about pa3l
PA3L (パスリール)とは
語頭のPAには"Public Address" (音響伝達装置)という意味も込められています。
Path + (Web3)Three + Reel = Pathreel = PA3L
作品のグラフィック, 映像, サウンド全ての工程をファウンダーの大澤利己一人で行っており
コレクション発表時にはTeaserやVisual Trailerも制作し一貫した世界観を表現しています。
What is PA3L?
PA3L is a project which aims to transmit various cultures through
the filter of NFT art, under the theme of
“preserving the memory of the contemporary art scene”.
PA3L is a new term coined with "Path" (outlines that surround objects),
"Three" (Web3), and "Reel" (video artworks).
“PA” at the beginning of the project name stands for "Public Address",
as sound transmission plays a significant role in this project.
Path + Three + Reel = Pathreel = PA3L
The founder, Riki Osawa, handles all the graphic, video, and sound processes of the collection by himself.
When a collection is released, a teaser and visual trailer are also produced to express a consistent world view.
SYNC3R (シンカー)とは
リアルとバーチャルの中間のようなニュートラル なフォルムであり、
また背景 のオブジェクトとSYNC3Rが持つ”リアルさとバーチャルさ”の距離感が
コレクションを追う毎に 徐々に近付くように設定しています。
What is SYNC3R?
It is an avatar that SYNC (synchronizes) with you (the holder) and the theme of your collection.
It has a neutral form that is somewhere between real and virtual,
almost like a concept that may or may not exist,
and is low-poly to give it an inorganic feel,but with detailed textures.
The distance between the background objects and the "realism and virtuality" of
SYNC3R is set to gradually get closer as the collection progresses.
1st Collectionについて
No.01-50までそれぞれ決められたワードをテーマに、デジタルコラージュで表現したモーション ポスターとSYNC3Rを組み合わせたコレクション。
The 1st Collection
This collection combines motion posters expressed by digital collage and SYNC3R, with each word from No.01 to No.50 as the theme.
Since this is the first collection, we were inspired by the flyers and posters that are handed out when people get to know the brand,
and we pursue a neutral expression by combining analog posters and digital SYNC3R (you can get the poster data as a special offer). (As a bonus, you can get the poster data.)
Motion NFT (No.50 DNA)
MP4 1400×1400px
Poster (No.50 DNA)
MP4 1748×2480px
(例:No.50 DNAの作品を購入の方には同じNo.50 DNAのモーションポスターをプレゼント)
(e.g. Customer of No.50 DNA will receive a motion poster of the same No.50 DNA)
1st Collectionについて
No.01-50までそれぞれ決められたワードをテーマに、デジタルコラージュで表現したモーション ポスターとSYNC3Rを組み合わせたコレクション。
The 1st Collection
This collection combines motion posters expressed by digital collage and SYNC3R, with each word from No.01 to No.50 as the theme.
Since this is the first collection, we were inspired by the flyers and posters that are handed out when people get to know the brand,
and we pursue a neutral expression by combining analog posters and digital SYNC3R (you can get the poster data as a special offer).
Motion NFT (No.50 DNA)
MP4 1400×1400px
Poster (No.50 DNA)
MP4 1748×2480px
(例:No.50 DNAの作品を購入の方には同じNo.50 DNAのモーションポスターをプレゼント)
(e.g. Customer of No.50 DNA will receive a motion poster of the same No.50 DNA)
2nd Collectionについて
The 2nd Collection
Like the 1st collection, this collection combines LED panels and SYNC3R under the theme of each word from No.01 to No.50.
SYNC3R is formed by an aggregate of light particles, not by a projector, as is often the case with holograms.
It also expresses a different nature as if it actually exists there.
The SYNC3R also incorporates elements of media art, with each particle rising in response to sound pressure (you get LED data as a bonus).
Motion NFT (No.48 Cyberpunk)
MP4 1800×1800px
LED DATA (No.48 Cyberpunk)
MP4 2000×2000px
(例:No.48 Cyberpunkの作品を購入の方には
同じNo.48 CyberpunkのLEDデータをプレゼント)
(e.g. Customer of No.48 Cyberpunk will receive
a LED data of the same No.48 Cyberpunk)
Graphic Collectionについて
作品のイメージを固めたり壁打ち用に制作するグラフィックをNFT化した、画像, 動画もバラバラ、リストは不定期、特典無しで低価格のカジュアルで落書きのようなコレクション
The Graphic Collection
NFT-edition of graphics to be produced for image-setting and wall-hanging, images, videos are scattered, listings are irregular, no special offers, low-priced, casual, doodle-like collections.
・All copyrights are subject to the artist.
・The rights to display this work are shared by the artist and the owner.
・Commercial use of this work is prohibited.
・Alteration of any works is prohibited.
・Only the artist owns the right to use these images to sell and merchandise any products.
・The buyer agrees to these terms and conditions, including the gift offer.
大澤利己 | Riki Osawa
Artist/ Designer/ Sound Creator
"PARDEY inc." Creative Director
音を感じるエンターテイメント性, パフォーマンス性のある作品、善くも悪くも見た人に影響を及ぼす作品をテーマに活動。
ファッション, アート, 音楽のリンク性をテーマに掲げたプロジェクトブランド”s.FAM”の運営の傍ら、
Works focusing on themes such as "sound sensational entertainment",
"highly performative art" and "influential to viewers, for better or worse.”
While working on an ongoing project brand “s.FAM” which spotlights the link between fashion, art, and music,
Osawa actively produces music videos and live performances,
engages in art direction for apparel stores,and sound production for events.
PA3L is a project solely by the artist himself,
including minting artwork, visual design, website and sound creation.